Restoration of the memorial to Mr. Přemysl Šámal

We had the honour to participate in the restoration of the memorial of JUDr. Přemysl Šámal (1867-1941) 🇨🇿
who is one of the most important personalities of our history. He was a lawyer, politician, statesman and the first Chancellor of the President of the Republic . Nesmazatelně se zapsal do boje za svobodu a demokracii. Jeho život byl spojen s odbojem proti Rakousko-uherské monarchii a nacistické okupaci, což se mu nakonec stalo osudným.


Production of the medallion
Using electroplating, we made a copy of the medallion (see picture below), which has adorned the memorial to JUDr. Šámal for several years. The memorial is located in the Jizera Mountains near Šámal’s cottage. The chalet is named in honour of JUDr. Šámal, who often visited the chalet in the 1930s. The original bronze medallion is kept in the museum in Jablonec nad Nisou.
Galvanoplastic copy of the medallion of JUDr. Přemysl Šámal


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